Beta Automatisierung Ltd.

Beta Automatisierung

We are Pneumatic.

founded in Austria
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products on stock
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cylinderseries in own production
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available products in our portfolio
years of company history
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innovative projects


1992    Gründung der Beta Automatisierung Handels GmbH in St. Georgen/Längsee
1992    Gründung der Beta Automatisierung Maschinenbau GmbH in Klagenfurt
1993    Vertrieb von Pneumatikprodukten neben Österreich auch in Slowenien und Kroatien
1993    Produktion von ISO/VDMA Profilzylindern der Durchmesser 32-320 mm
1993    Vetrieb von Industriestoßdämpfern in Österreich
1994    Errichtung einer eigenen Lager- und Produktionshalle samt Büroräumlichkeiten in 9314 Launsdorf in Kärnten
1996    Fusion der Beta Handels GmbH mit der Beta Maschinenbau GmbH zur Beta Automatisierung Handels GmbH
1997    Assembling von Führungseinheiten in Österreich
1998    Fertigung von Kompaktzylindern der Durchmesser 16-100 mm
2000    Assembling von Rundzylindern der Durchmesser 8-25 mm in Launsdorf.
2002    Fertigung von kolbenstangenlosen Zylindern der Durchmesser 16-63 mm
2004    Vertrieb von Vakuumprodukten in Österreich, Slowenien und Kroatien
2005    Erweiterung unseres Lieferprogramms um Drucklufttrockner
20062012    Ausweitung der bestehenden Lagerkapazitäten und Produktionsmöglichkeiten
2013    Sortimentserweiterung um Edelstahl und Kunststoffverschraubungen
2014    Verbesserte Bereitstellung unserer Produktdaten auf einer neuen Homepage
2016    Neues Warenwirtschaftssystem zur Effizienzsteigerung der Auftragsabwicklung
2017    Lieferprogrammerweiterung um Flächengreifer
2018    Aufnahme von NSF-Verschraubungen für die Lebensmittelindustrie

2019    Neugestaltung der Außenfassade, sowohl des Büro- als auch des Lagergebäudes
2022    Eröffnung des Online-Shops für den österreichischen Markt

Founding year of the two independent companies "Beta Automatisierung Handels GmbH" and "Beta Automatisierung Maschinenbau GmbH" in Carinthia. At that time, however, only Beta Handels GmbH was owned by the Berger family.

4 years later, the second company became the property of the Berger family and so the two companies merged to form "Beta Automatisierung Handels GmbH". At the same time, new sales markets were also opened up in Slovenia and Croatia.

Storage capacities and production facilities have been greatly expanded in order to meet the increasing demand for pneumatic products and to keep delivery times as short as possible for customers.

Development of a new homepage with embedding of a new product range, which includes especially the large product groups, such as cylinders, valves, fittings, maintenance equipment, accessories, hoses, control cabinets,.. could cover.

A complete redesign of the exterior façade, both of the office building and the warehouse building, was carried out. In addition, the company's entire electronic network has also been optimized with fiber optic Internet.

After 2 years of planning and preparation, the official online store also went online at the end of 2022. This is updated at regular intervals and the product portfolio available online is successively expanded.


As a company, Beta Automatisierung Handels GmbH strives to win the locally based companies as cooperation partners in the implementation of its corporate goals and thus also to support the local industry. It is especially thanks to our employees that Beta Automatisierung Handels GmbH can respond very flexibly and individually to the requirements of our customers. This is because special solutions in pneumatics and vacuum technology as well as in automation technology are core competencies of the company. The aim is to establish a long-term cooperation between Beta Automatisierung Handels GmbH and our customers in order to support their product developments and innovations and thus strengthen the domestic economy.

Why shopping with us the best choice for you is?

1. Service

We do not see special requests as a problem, but as a challenge that we are happy to face with passion, with the aim of optimizing the processes of your production and any internal processes and making them as efficient as possible.

2. Quality

Quality is a standard for us, because only the best is good enough, which is why we spend a lot of time checking our products for any weak points. If an item does not pass these tests, it will not be offered in our online shop.

3. Efficiency

On the international market, we can score positively with advantages in two respects: On the one hand, we can offer our customers very short delivery times thanks to our in-house production. On the other hand, we are also one of the only companies that offers repairs to pneumatic products.

4. International

In the many years as a successful trading company, we have developed more and more into an internationally active company through our competitiveness and today serve numerous customers throughout Europe.

5. Sustainability

When shipping our goods, we rely on sustainable packaging materials for our environment and common future.

6. Consistency

In addition to our high quality standards, we as Beta Automation also convince with our long company history, as a stable company with tradition and over 30 years of experience.

7. Team-Work

A great company needs great employees, because without an outstanding team, such complex challenges that we encounter every day cannot be overcome.